Revelation 22:12
Surely I come quickly, and My reward is with Me. Wait on Me My children, and do not be dismayed for soon the appearing of the Antichrist will come. But you be found hidden in Me. So many are lost without a Saviour. Be the intercessors I have called you to be. Do not waste time. Rather redeem the time because the days are evil. I have a Remnant waiting upon Me. They have not forfeited serving Me, but they remain strong and fixed on Me, redeeming the time because the days are evil.Do not be overcome by the enemy. Rather overcome the enemy by My Word even as my Son overcame the enemy through My Word. A short time remains for My Remnant upon the earth. Will you be found worthy, pleasing Me in all your ways? Why look back at your past for it is under The Blood, even as you have surrendered it all to Me. I will bless you for I never leave thee nor forsake thee. Look to Me in all your ways and always follow the leading of My Spirit. A New Wave of My Glory shall be seen upon the earth and then shall the End come. Be reverent unto Me, always surrendering your will to Me, and rewarded you shall be, both now and eternally, saith the Lord your God.
Received from our Heavenly Father after intense worship on Sunday, March 21, 2021.