“This is the way, walk ye in it, for My ways are higher than your ways My Children and no man can do for you what I can do for you. Clean the way for Me. Make your paths straight, for an open door is before you.
Yes, an open door is before you that no man can shut, even as I shut doors that no man can open. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. Whether the god of your fathers or the Lord your God. Ye must be holy even as I am holy. Ye must come out from them and touch not the unclean thing, and I will be your Father and ye shall be My people.
It is a day of new beginnings as ye surrender your all unto Me, and watch and see what I am about to do in and through your lives. No man has seen what I am about to do in and through you, if you will take up your cross to follow Me. Yes, it is a path of righteousness that I lead you in, wherein the favor of God dwells. So surrender all, give up all, and take up your cross to follow Me into your destiny, into the plans and purposes I have for your lives.” saith the Lord your God.