And I tell you again and again: The signs and miracles will increase, both on the part of my adversary as well as of my servants on earth, because many false christs and prophets will arise at the commission of the prince of darkness to invalidate what is taught by my true servants …. to let their miracles and prophecies appear doubtful and to plunge men into deeper and deeper darkness. But the miracles of the false prophets will only consist in increasing earthly power and wealth, it will not be a work of love, which they accomplish, but works will arise, which are claimed to be done with supernatural power, but can only be called accumulation of material goods, therefore also betray the one who is lord of matter …..
But genuine miracles are works of mercy towards the suffering and weakened mankind …. genuine miracles are obvious power effects from above …. and genuine miracles will only be able to be worked by those who are active on earth as true proclaimers of my word, who confess me and my name before the world and seek to awaken and revive the faith in me …. For these are also the true prophets, who in My will announce to men what is in store for them, and whom I have therefore chosen to also connect the proclaimed word with proofs of the power of faith, so that men recognize by which power and in which spirit these My representatives work …. For in the end many false prophets will appear and seek to confuse people through miracles ….
Because my opponent will work with the same means, and he will also succeed more easily to blind people because he does not announce any downfall to them but only always promises earthly prosperity and earthly advancement because his miracles are material achievements which beguile mankind and because his prophecy is a future in wealth, honors and earthly successes, a world of building up and earthly perfection, and every such prophecy is paid attention to and mankind is thereby distracted more and more from the real and true, which my representatives on earth announce to them . … that people are facing the end, that all material goods cannot save them from the downfall they are surely heading for if they don’t believe My words but those who are influenced by the prince of darkness …. those who certainly also work miracles through his power …. who are powerful on earth because they have handed themselves over to him, but whose works can always be recognized ….
For they do not speak of love, nor do they help their fellow human beings in need, and even if they make use of My words, even though My name is invoked in order to be regarded as genuine prophets …. Where love does not prevail, there is not my spirit, and there neither miracles will happen nor genuine prophetic words will be spoken, but clearly the work of him will be recognizable who is my opponent and in the last days will try everything to scatter my small flock and to win it for himself …. The time of the end has come, therefore pay attention to everything I say to you, so that you learn to distinguish the genuine from the false, the light from the deception, the truth from the lie …. so that you do not fall into the hands of him who wants to ruin you ….
BD 5861 Jan 24, 1954