Zephaniah 3
Fear not My beloved children, for I never leave thee nor forsake thee. Behold, I am there with you to guide you and to show you the way. Do not be afraid. Only trust in Me, your Mighty God and Savior. In the time of trouble I am there. Shake off all fear and allow Me to rescue you. Focus your eyes on Me and not upon your situation, for I am Greater than your situation. I am Greater than your need. I am God, and beside Me there is no other.
See how great and mighty things I have done in all the earth. Do you think that I am unable to undo that which Satan has done? Do you think that he is more powerful than Me!? Behold, he is a defeated one!! He only has as much power as you give him. Take your stand and put him under your feet, for you are not fighting flesh and blood! Rather, you are fighting the realms of darkness, who think they can defeat Me through your lack of faith. Rise up oh church and do battle against the foes of My Kingdom, and let him that stole, steal no more!
Behold! The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof! Know who you are! You are not to walk in defeat! Know who your Savior is! Behold, He has defeated Satan and the works of darkness. So now take your stand at My Right Hand and be the conquerors that I have called you to be, for in Me you are bold and strong, and I always cause you to triumph in and through My Son Christ Jesus. So behold, in the midst of the storm I am there. Now take your stand in the spirit and be the bold vessels I have called you to be… strong in Me and in the Power of My Might, declaring My Will over all the earth, saith the Lord your God.
Prophesy received from the Holy Spirit by Apostle Anna Drinkwine for February 27, 2022.