Know ye not that ye are made in My Image, and I have “made you to do great and mighty things for My glory, in true reflection of Me.” But first “ye must get lost in Me.” Get away from the pressures and obligations of this world and get alone with Me, that I may reveal Myself “in thee.” It is a great thing I have for you to do for Me. You are “never alone for I dwell in you,” and you dwell in Me as you continue to walk with Me, and walk in all My Ways.
It is a supernatural walk, even as did My Son walk when He did My Will upon the earth. Will you “walk in the supernatural, ye who have been made in My Image”? Then “choose to please Me and take up your cross,” and walk even as My Son “walked in the supernatural by the Power of My Holy Spirit.” You can do this. “Just take Me at My Word!” I am not a man to lie. “Follow My Son’s example Who never broke fellowship with Me, for He was so desirous to please and honor Me in all His ways.” Follow in His footsteps, and honor Me in all your ways, “knowing that you are My sons and daughters who have been made in My Image” to walk in My Ways for My glory, saith The Lord your God.
Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine during deep worship on June 25, 2023.