Rejoice in Me My Children! And again I say rejoice! Know ye not that ye are My temple, and I dwell in thee, and thou in Me!? Look up and rejoice knowing that your future is in Me. Much remains to be done, so have on ready garments of holiness. Live to please Me in all your ways, and no longer find fault with one another. Rather walk in My love and in obedience. The Lord’s Coming is at hand.
Yes, have on garments of righteousness always living to please Me in all your ways, for no good thing will I withhold from you as you walk uprightly before Me. Walk not in the fear of man, for he is as mere dust that is here today and gone tomorrow. He is like the grass that is cut and withered, and thrown in the fire. Live to please Me. Honor Me in all your doings. Place Me first in thy lives.
Yea, the coming of the Lord draws nigh, and soon all of these troubles shall be over. Realize the consequences of a life lived to please one’s flesh rather than in pleasing Me. Daily you must take up your cross of self denial and follow and please Me in all your ways. You will not regret this, for a day in My Courts, in My Presence is better than to live in the quarters of the sinners. Know this and choose to daily walk uprightly.
Have you prepared yourself to be ready for that day that ye shall stand before Me to give an account for thy lives? Do you realize that the sufferings of this life are not worthy to be compared to your future glory with Me eternally? Have on vestments of righteousness and well doing, walking pleasingly before Me, for ye know not the day nor the hour My Son shall come to receive His own. Will you be counted among them? Are you walking in My love, My grace and My mercy, forgiving with your hearts even as I have forgiven you? Behold that final day shall reveal the hearts of men. Deliver yourselves to Me daily that I may direct thy paths, and teach you in the way you ought to go. Suffer it to be so. Make your paths straight, always looking upward, for your redemption draws nigh, so soon, saith The Lord thy God.
Prophesy received from The Holy Spirit by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on October 31, 2023 for Sunday, November 5, 2023.
The following is the prophesy with scriptures added by me for teaching purposes.
Sufferings of this Life are not Worthy to be Compared to Your Future Glory with Me
Romans 8:1-30
Rejoice in Me My Children! And again I say rejoice! (Philippians 4:4-13) Know ye not that ye are My temple, (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and I dwell in thee, and thou in Me!? Look up and rejoice knowing that your future is in Me. Much remains to be done, so have on ready garments of holiness. Live to please Me in all your ways, and no longer find fault with one another. (Matthew 7:1-5) Rather walk in My love (1 John 4:7-21) and in obedience. The Lord’s Coming is at hand. (Philippians 4:5)
Yes, have on garments of righteousness always living to please Me in all your ways, for no good thing will I withhold from you as you walk uprightly before Me. (Psalm 84:11) Walk not in the fear of man, (Matthew 10:28) for he is as mere dust (Genesis 2:7) that is here today and gone tomorrow. He is like the grass that is cut and withered, (Psalm 37:1-2) and thrown in the fire. Live to please Me. Honor Me in all your doings. Place Me first in thy lives. (Matthew 6:33, Mark 12:28-31)
Yea, the coming of the Lord draws nigh, and soon all of these troubles shall be over. Realize the consequences of a life lived to please one’s flesh rather than in pleasing Me. (Ezekiel 18:20-24, Romans 6:11-15, 20-23) Daily you must take up your cross of self denial and follow and please Me in all your ways. (Luke 9:23-26) You will not regret this, for a day in My Courts, in My Presence is better than to live in the quarters of the sinners. (Psalm 84:4-10) Know this and choose to daily walk uprightly.
Have you prepared yourself to be ready for that day that ye shall stand before Me to give an account for thy lives? Do you realize that the sufferings of this life are not worthy to be compared to your future glory with Me eternally? (Romans 8:18) Have on vestments of righteousness and well doing, walking pleasingly before Me, for ye know not the day nor the hour My Son shall come to receive His own. (Matthew 24:36-51, Philippians 2:12-16) Will you be counted among them? Are you walking in My love, My grace and My mercy, forgiving with your hearts even as I have forgiven you? (1 Corinthians 13:1-8a, Matthew 6:12-15, 18:11-35) Behold that final day shall reveal the hearts of men. (Revelations 22:12) Deliver yourselves to Me daily that I may direct thy paths, and teach you in the way you ought to go. Suffer it to be so. Make your paths straight, (Hebrews 12:13-14, Acts13:1-12) always looking upward, for your redemption draws nigh, (Luke 21:28) so soon, saith The Lord thy God.
Prophesy received from The Holy Spirit by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on October 31, 2023 for Sunday, November 5, 2023.