Forsake Not Assembling Together as Believers

Be wary of evil doers My precious children, knowing that not everyone that says Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So many are believers in word only, for they know Me not, neither have they ever known Me. You shall know them by their fruit, their character. They will not receive for they do not believe. They do not believe for they do not know Me. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. If one sows to their flesh, they shall reap decay and ruin. Rather sow to the Spirit and Read More …

Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself

My people, turn to Me with all of your hearts, and never waiver. Look unto Me in all your ways and I will direct your paths. Seek Me early and you shall find Me. Knock on the door at it shall be opened unto you, knowing that it is My Good Pleasure to give you the Kingdom, the rule and the reign. Serve Me with gladness and make known My Ways to the peoples. Lift up My Name and serve Me with gladness. There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the Read More …

Nothing Can Separate You from My Love

My children you have been bound up with the concerns of this present life. Surrender them all to Me, leaving not one stone unturned. For it is the little foxes that spoil the vines. Take cover in My Promises, for all of My Promises in Me are yes and amen, for I am true to My Word. Stay your time in focusing on Me and upon My Promises for I will not fail you. It is but a short time that you have left to do My bidding. Therefore do not waste away your time Read More …

Every Good Gift Comes from Me Above

My children, do you not know that I am a Loving God and that I desire to exceedingly bless you? Take the time to worship Me in spirit and in truth that I may mightily bless you. Take time to be with Me and savor My Presence, for there is so much that I can do for you. Never allow the ways of the world to interfere with your relationship with Me. Freely you have received , freely give. Give of My Kindness and give of My Love. Give of My True Forgiveness that I Read More …

Who Will Go For Me and Who Will I Send

My people, you must ever keep your eyes upon Me. Do not be dismayed by what you see going on around you. I am still in control as you yield Me the control of your lives. Intercession plays a big part in this End Time Harvest, so you must be so diligent in serving Me as intercessors that I may move in a mighty way. Do you not think that I am able to use you in a mighty way? Take off the blinders and stop looking at yourself, but rather look at Me Who Read More …