Who Will Go For Me and Who Will I Send

My people, you must ever keep your eyes upon Me. Do not be dismayed by what you see going on around you. I am still in control as you yield Me the control of your lives. Intercession plays a big part in this End Time Harvest, so you must be so diligent in serving Me as intercessors that I may move in a mighty way.

Do you not think that I am able to use you in a mighty way? Take off the blinders and stop looking at yourself, but rather look at Me Who lives in you and through you. Do not be so fleshly minded that you miss out on the eternalness that lives in you through Me. I have made you as more than conquers! Make your abode with Me and step up to the plate and walk in My fullness that I have provided for you through My Son Jesus Christ.

Why do you always allow the storms of life to through you off? Come up higher! Dwell in Me! Live in me! Conquer even your own self through Me and fight this good fight of faith and be the vessels I have called you to be, My mighty spiritual warriors in this end time hour! And surely the harvest of souls you shall partake in, and ye shall go forth weeping and rejoicing, bringing your sheaves with thee.

Time waits for no one. You must redeem the time for the days are evil. Ye must be ready at all times, no matter the situation. Go forth into battle. Bear the reproach for My Sake and win the lost at any cost even as did My Son. Can I count on you? Who will go for Me and who will I send? Even so send I you, saith The Lord thy God Who never leaves you nor forsakes you, for I am with you, even to the end.

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on May 25 for Sunday, June 2, 2024.

The following is the prophesy with scriptures added by me for teaching purposes.

Who Will Go For Me and Who Will I Send

Isaiah 6:1-8

My people, you must ever keep your eyes upon Me. (Hebrews 12:1-3) Do not be dismayed by what you see going on around you. (2 Chronicles 20:6-12) I am still in control as you yield Me the control of your lives. Intercession plays a big part in this End Time Harvest, so you must be so diligent in serving Me as intercessors that I may move in a mighty way. (Ezekiel 22:30-31)

Do you not think that I am able to use you in a mighty way? (Isaiah 43:11-17) Take off the blinders and stop looking at yourself, but rather look at Me Who lives in you and through you. (Romans 8:18-19, 1 Corinthians 13:11-12) Do not be so fleshly minded that you miss out on the eternalness that lives in you through Me. (Colossians 3:1-2) I have made you as more than conquers! (Romans 8:37-39) Make your abode with Me and step up to the plate and walk in My fullness that I have provided for you through My Son Jesus Christ. (Philippians 2:5-13, 3:9-14)

Why do you always allow the storms of life to through you off? Come up higher! (Isaiah 40:31) Dwell in Me! Live in me! Conquer even your own self through Me and fight this good fight of faith (2 Timothy 6:11-12) and be the vessels I have called you to be, My mighty spiritual warriors in this end time hour! (Amp. 2 Timothy 2:3-4) And surely the harvest of souls you shall partake in, and ye shall go forth weeping and rejoicing, bringing your sheaves with thee. (Amp. Psalm 126)

Time waits for no one. You must redeem the time for the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:14-21) Ye must be ready at all times, no matter the situation. (2 Timothy 4:1-5) Go forth into battle. Bear the reproach for My Sake (Hebrews12:2) and win the lost at any cost even as did My Son. Can I count on you? Who will go for Me and who will I send? (Isaiah 6:8) Even so send I you, saith The Lord thy God Who never leaves you nor forsakes you, (Hebrews 13:5-6) for I am with you, even to the end. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on May 25 for Sunday, June 2, 2024.