Nothing Can Separate You from My Love

My children you have been bound up with the concerns of this present life. Surrender them all to Me, leaving not one stone unturned. For it is the little foxes that spoil the vines. Take cover in My Promises, for all of My Promises in Me are yes and amen, for I am true to My Word. Stay your time in focusing on Me and upon My Promises for I will not fail you.

It is but a short time that you have left to do My bidding. Therefore do not waste away your time upon these fleeting issues. Count the cost and deliver yourselves completely unto Me and I will bless you exceedingly. You must train yourselves to immediately cast all your cares upon Me. Do not give such gravity to the enemy to play with your emotions and your lives. Let him that stole steal no more.

Look away from all that distracts and learn to keep your focus on Me. I will not, I will not fail you My people. Learn to trust in Me completely or be found in a place, where Satan, the enemy of your souls can raise havoc in your lives. Am I not true to My Word? Am I not faithful to you? Then be ye faithful to Me and look not back, but press forward for My Glory.

Draw from My well that shall never run dry. You must do this with continual communion with Me if you are to survive this temporary, passing world. I will have My way, but you must needs surrender your all to Me, not just with words, but rather with your devoted actions. Nothing can separate you from My Love. Rather it would be an act of your will to separate yourselves from Me. Keep in mind that sin will separate you from Me. So walk accordingly, pleasing Me in all your ways, for nothing can separate you from My Love, saith your Heavenly Father.

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on June 13 for Sunday, June 16, 2024.

The following is the prophesy with scriptures added by me for teaching purposes.

Nothing Can Separate You from My Love

Romans 8

My children you have been bound up with the concerns of this present life. Surrender them all to Me, leaving not one stone unturned. For it is the little foxes that spoil the vines.(Song of Solomon 2:15) Take cover in My Promises, for all of My Promises in Me are yes and amen, (2 Corinthians 1:20) for I am true to My Word.(Psalm 34:9-10, 37:25-29, Numbers 23:19-20) Stay your time in focusing on Me and upon My Promises for I will not fail you.

It is but a short time that you have left to do My bidding. Therefore do not waste away your time upon these fleeting issues. (Matthew 24:35, 1 John 2:17, James 4:13-17) Count the cost and deliver yourselves completely unto Me and I will bless you exceedingly.(Philippians 4:10-19) You must train yourselves to immediately cast all your cares upon Me. Do not give such gravity to the enemy to play with your emotions and your lives. (1 Peter 5:7-8) Let him that stole steal no more.(Ephesians 4:26-28a)

Look away from all that distracts and learn to keep your focus on Me. (Hebrews 12:2 Amp) I will not, I will not fail you My people.(Hebrews 13:5 Amp) Learn to trust in Me completely or be found in a place, where Satan, the enemy of your souls can raise havoc in your lives. (Genesis 3) Am I not true to My Word? Am I not faithful to you? Then be ye faithful to Me and look not back, but press forward for My Glory.(Hebrews 11:8-16)

Draw from My well that shall never run dry. You must do this with continual communion with Me if you are to survive this temporary, passing world. (John 4:1-14) I will have My way, but you must needs surrender your all to Me, not just with words, but rather with your devoted actions.(James 1:22-25) Nothing can separate you from My Love. (Romans 8:38-39) Rather it would be an act of your will to separate yourselves from Me.(Isaiah 59:1-2) Keep in mind that sin will separate you from Me. So walk accordingly, pleasing Me in all your ways, for nothing can separate you from My Love, saith your Heavenly Father.

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on June 13 for Sunday, June 16, 2024.