Sever Ties with Those that are Not of Me

Evil communications corrupt good manners My children. Ye must strive to please Me in all your ways. Wrong friendships are not worth suffering eternally for. Make up your mind to pay attention to what I say unto you. These are evil days you are living in. Man against man. Children against parents. None of these showing My Love, My Compassion. Who shall represent Me? Who can I depend upon to be a voice for Me? The hour is so late and many are perishing. There have lost their way. They have chosen the wrong path Read More …

Continue in My Word and Fail Me Not

My children, ye must keep your eyes upon Me, and do not allow the ways of man to sidetrack you. They have gone astray from My Ways and serve Me not. They are as a parched land without water having gone their own ways, for only I can satisfy. Journey with Me and be diligent in serving Me. So many have a form of godliness but they deny Me from moving in their lives, for their desires are to please themselves. They know Me not. Continue steadfast in My Love with a complete surrender to Read More …

Keep Me Always Near Your Heart

No more pandering My children. You must look to Me and only do as I tell you to do, never forsaking Me nor bringing a reproach unto My Kingdom. Speak the truth knowing that your days are numbered, and ye ought to be faithful to Me in all your ways. Be instant in season and out of season to do My bidding. Shine a light upon people’s lives that they would turn from their sinful ways and surrender themselves completely unto Me, for the Day of the Lord draws nigh. Why do so many waste Read More …

Make Known My Ways to the Peoples

Without Me people are lost My children. Behold I am the way. I am the Truth and I am the Life. Mankind must turn to Me with all their hearts or they will miss the mark. Salvation is only found in Me. Shout it out! Reveal who I am to the peoples, for they know Me not. So many have a form of godliness but they know Me not, for neither do their leaders know Me. Intercede for the lost. Intercede for those who have gone astray. Intercede for the leaders who know Me not. Read More …