Keep Me Always Near Your Heart

No more pandering My children. You must look to Me and only do as I tell you to do, never forsaking Me nor bringing a reproach unto My Kingdom. Speak the truth knowing that your days are numbered, and ye ought to be faithful to Me in all your ways. Be instant in season and out of season to do My bidding. Shine a light upon people’s lives that they would turn from their sinful ways and surrender themselves completely unto Me, for the Day of the Lord draws nigh.

Why do so many waste their time doing trivial things? Why do men walk so vainly? Do they not know the hour, how late it is? Do you yourselves know how late the hour is? Walk uprightly before Me and change your ways, that ye would please Me in all your decision making. Know that with Me a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day. Ye ought to stay ready and maintain your walk with Me, never looking to the left nor the right. Always keep your focus upon Me.

Must I reprimand you and deal with you to bring your life into order with My Will for your life? Seek Me early and you shall find Me. Do not put off what needs to be done today. Keep a watch over your life and diligently serve Me. You will not regret surrendering completely to Me and walking in ways pleasing to Me. Remember time is short, but eternity is forever. Will you live to please your temporary flesh for such a short season? Or will you ultimately lay down your life to serve Me? For if you do, you will know and experience the Joy of The Lord being your strength. Keep Me always near your heart, and fulfill My Will for your life, and pleased thou shalt be when you dwell eternally with Me, saith The Lord thy God.

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on July 11 for Sunday, July 14, 2024.

The following is the prophesy with scriptures added by me for teaching purposes.

Keep Me Always Near Your Heart

James 4

No more pandering My children. You must look to Me and only do as I tell you to do, never forsaking Me nor bringing a reproach unto My Kingdom.(Matthew 26:39-41) Speak the truth knowing that your days are numbered, (Job 14 esp. v.5) and ye ought to be faithful to Me in all your ways. Be instant in season and out of season to do My bidding. (2 Timothy 4:1-5) Shine a light upon people’s lives that they would turn from their sinful ways and surrender themselves completely unto Me, (Ephesians 4:11-24) for the Day of the Lord draws nigh. (Luke 21:25-33)

Why do so many waste their time doing trivial things? Why do men walk so vainly? (James 4:13-17) Do they not know the hour, how late it is? Do you yourselves know how late the hour is? Walk uprightly before Me and change your ways, that ye would please Me in all your decision making. (Joshua 1:8) Know that with Me a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day. (2 Peter 3:8-18) Ye ought to stay ready and maintain your walk with Me, (Matthew 26:40-41, Matthew 25) never looking to the left nor the right. (Proverbs 4:25-27) Always keep your focus upon Me. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Must I reprimand you and deal with you to bring your life into order with My Will for your life?(Hebrews 12:5-29) Seek Me early and you shall find Me. (Jeremiah 29:13) Do not put off what needs to be done today. (John 4:34-38) Keep a watch over your life and diligently serve Me. You will not regret surrendering completely to Me and walking in ways pleasing to Me. (Psalm 141:3-4) Remember time is short, but eternity is forever. Will you live to please your temporary flesh for such a short season? Or will you ultimately lay down your life to serve Me? For if you do, you will know and experience the Joy of The Lord being your strength. (Nehemiah 8:8-12) Keep Me always near your heart, (James 4:8) and fulfill My Will for your life, and pleased thou shalt be when you dwell eternally with Me, (Matthew 25:14-21-30) saith The Lord thy God.

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on July 11 for Sunday, July 14, 2024.