Come Apart With Me Often

My children, waste not your time on frivolous things that soon pass away. Ye ought to come apart with Me often that I could comfort and encourage you. Cast all of your cares, and all of your concerns upon Me, and allow Me to give you fresh hope and life expectancy for I am there with you. No longer fear. No longer dread. Rather look up and see that I am coming so soon for you. Therefore ye need to be found ready, and not be found consumed with the temporary cares of this world.

Take up your cross and follow Me. I will lead you into Paths of Righteousness, paths that are pleasing unto Me and will continually lead you into eternal life. The ways of the world lead to death. My Ways are eternal and lead to eternal life. Which will you choose? Therefore drop off the old sinful ways of the world, and take up your cross and follow My Ways. If you continue in the ways of this world you will perish! Take heed to My Sayings and live! Conquer all in My Name, and allow Me to lead you into Paths of Holy Living.

The ways of the world shall perish. Why would ye callously consider following their ways? Repent and rise to Newness of Life. Surrender all, including thyself, unto Me, and so blessed shalt thou be. Thou shalt be free from the pressures of life and none shall be able to manipulate thee. In Newness of Life shalt thou walk if you maintain true leadership to Me, surrendering daily to My Will. Remember none other can bless you like Me for I am an Eternal God. Wipe away your tears and rejoice in Me, the God of thy Salvation. Surrender daily to Me for the just shall walk by faith in Me and not in what they see. Will you walk eternally with Me, My beloved? Than walk daily with Me and experience the Joys of the Lord, for I am always with thee, saith The Lord thy God.

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on Aug 3 for Aug 4, 2024.

The following is the prophesy with scriptures added by me for teaching purposes.

Come Apart With Me Often

Song of Solomon 1-2 Amp

My children, waste not your time on frivolous things that soon pass away.(1 John 2:15-17) Ye ought to come apart with Me often that I could comfort and encourage you. (Song of Solomon 2:10-13) Cast all of your cares, and all of your concerns upon Me, (1 Peter 5:7-11) and allow Me to give you fresh hope and life expectancy for I am there with you. (Hebrews 13:5-6) No longer fear. No longer dread. Rather look up and see that I am coming so soon for you. (Luke 21:25-28) Therefore ye need to be found ready, and not be found consumed with the temporary cares of this world. (Luke 21:34-36)

Take up your cross and follow Me. (Luke 9:23-26) I will lead you into Paths of Righteousness, paths that are pleasing unto Me and will continually lead you into eternal life. (Psalm 23, Matthew 6:9-15) The ways of the world lead to death. My Ways are eternal and lead to eternal life. (Romans 6:23) Which will you choose? Therefore, drop off the old sinful ways of the world and take up your cross and follow My Ways. If you continue in the ways of this world you will perish! (John 3:16) Take heed to My Sayings and live! Conquer all in My Name, (Mark 16:17, Luke 10:19) and allow Me to lead you into Paths of Holy Living. (Psalm 23:3)

The ways of the world shall perish. (John 2:15-17) Why would ye callously consider following their ways? Repent and rise to Newness of Life. (Psalm 119:9-16) Surrender all, including thyself, unto Me, and so blessed shalt thou be. (Psalm 63) Thou shalt be free from the pressures of life and none shall be able to manipulate thee. (Luke 9:23-26, Galations 5:16) In Newness of Life shalt thou walk if you maintain true leadership to Me, surrendering daily to My Will. (Matthew 6:10-11, Luke 9:23, Psalm 23) Remember none other can bless you like Me for I am an Eternal God. Wipe away your tears and rejoice in Me, the God of thy Salvation. (Psalm 51:12-14) Surrender daily to Me for the just shall walk by faith in Me and not in what they see. (2 Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 10:38, Proverbs 3:5) Will you walk eternally with Me, My beloved? Then walk daily with Me and experience the Joys of the Lord, (Psalm 16:11) for I am always with thee, (Hebrews 13:5-6) saith The Lord thy God.

Prophesy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on August 3 for August 4, 2024.