Even So Send I You

There is a world in great darkness out there, go and be a light onto them. I have chosen you to be a testimony of Me, and of My goodness that endures forever. Will you be that light? Will you be that voice? So many have turned Me down, choosing their own ways. I have selected you for a purpose, now will you indeed serve Me in this purpose? So many perish for a lack of knowledge. Who will instruct them? Who will teach them My ways? The wayward pastors who seek their positions for Read More …

Freely You have Received, Freely Give

Recompense to no man evil for evil. Rather bless your enemies and do good to them who persecute you. Hold not back when it is in your power to do good. Rather be a true example of My Love. Walk in ways that are pleasing to Me and I will bless you accordingly. When a man’s ways please the Lord thy God, even his enemies shall be at peace with him. Open up your heart to bless Me, and desire to walk in My Ways. I will not withhold from you as you pursue in Read More …

Surrender to My Will saying, “Not my will but Thine be done!”

My children, you have free choice, to either serve Me or not. Free will to obey Me or not. Free will to sustain favor with Me or to compromise and serve your own flesh. Choose whom you will serve. The god of this world, your flesh, or the Lord God Almighty! Do you truly make a difference with that which is holy and with that which is evil? Or do you compromise saying “All is well,” when in My Eyes it is not! Turn away from evil with all thine heart! Eschew evil and pursue Read More …

Behold The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sins of the World

Who can come to Me, save those who have washed themselves from sin to enter in. I will cleanse and who will hinder it? Wash thyself. Cleanse thyself, that thy hands may be clean. How can you come into My Presence if you do not desire to walk holy and uprightly before Me? How can a man cleanse his ways but to take heed to My Words. Daily seek Me and you shall find Me. Seek Me. Desire Me above all else, and I will fulfill your every desire. Behold, there is none like Me. Read More …

Can You Say like My Son, “Not My Will but Thine be Done?”

Come near to Me My children, and hear the Word of the Lord. Ye must always keep your hearts near to Me. Never waiver. Never doubt but rather always take Me at My Word. Shut out the voices of the world, and be ready to hear Me. Open your hearts to Me and yes, desire to please Me in all your ways. This will involve sacrifice on your part, and yet, did not My Son sacrifice his own life for thee? Resolve in your heart that you will turn your back on darkness and all Read More …

Deep Calls unto Deep at the Noise of My Waterspouts

Oh My beloved, how I long for your presence. You are Mine when you have devoted yourself completely to Me. Do not withhold your love and appreciation from Me, but learn to daily come before Me with praise and singing. Make a joyful noise unto thy Lord. Come before My Presence with singing, for I am the Lord thy God and there is none beside Me. Bring to Me offerings of praise and worship. Know ye that I am God and I am merciful to those who show mercy, and I will be strong against Read More …

Return to Me and I Will Return to You

Turn to Me. Turn to Me. Turn to Me with all your hearts My children. Compose yourselves and be vigilant in serving Me, for some of you have gone astray choosing to please even your flesh above Me. Will ye continue in this disservice to Me? Will ye not mend your ways and make them straight? Behold today is the day of salvation. Do you think that it is normal for a servant of Mine should choose to please themselves over Me? How long do you think this would last with an employer who employed Read More …


My children you must be consumed with Me and not with the cares of the world that passes away. Though there be a foreboding in the air, ye must always stay your eyes upon Me. I will deliver thee. I will bless thee and encourage thee. I know the end from the beginning, so always place your trust in Me. Times will change. People will change, but I am God, and I change not. I will take you from glory to glory, where the things of this earth will not move you nor sway you, Read More …

Take On My Ways

My people who love Me have separated themselves unto Me. They do not live for self pleasure. They live to honor Me in all their ways. They have made pleasing Me their ultimate goal. They have forsaken all to follow Me. Will you not do the same? A great pathway lies before you to fulfill thy destiny. Which pathway will you take? A pathway of self pleasure, or a pathway of living a life that is pleasing unto Me? Forsake all and follow Me, for surely I will bless those who bless Me. A life Read More …

Have on Garments of Righteousness

Who can discern between good and evil. Even those who have been seasoned by My Word. A word in season is like golden apples in a bowl of silver. Strive to please Me in all your ways. Strive to be as the bowl yielded to Me to offer My Good News of Salvation to a lost and dying world. Shut out the voices of man who try to take you away from My Voice, for they are not all of Me. This is a choice of your will, for I will not coerce you, but Read More …