Galations 6:1-10
My children you must be about My business. Do not be scattered in your thinking. Focus on that which is of most importance. Focus on things above and not on things beneath, for all that you see shall pass away. Only that which is of Me is eternal.
Put on garments of righteousness, and be holy even as I am holy. Why do you waver? Why do you doubt? Do you not think that I am well able to do that which I have promised? Take me at My Word! For My Word shall not fail you. I am true to the end, and he that endures to the end shall be saved.
Where are My people? What are they doing? Where is their focus? Is it not upon their personal affairs? Why have they not risen above their situation and learned to praise Me in all things? Do they not know Me? Where is their awareness of My abilities? They have minded earthly things above spiritual things. I will test them for their endurance, whether they will serve Me or not.
You must stand strong, and not be moved by what you see. Do not judge by the flesh, in their five senses. Rather judge by the spirit that you may live, and having done all stand. Stand strong in Me, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not, saith your Heavenly Father. Your final deliverance is just beyond the horizon.
Prophesy received from The Holy Spirit by Apostle Anna Drinkwine for 1/16/2022