Consider Your Ways Whether They Be Pleasing Unto Me

How shall a man’s ways please Me, the Lord your God? But by taking heed to My Words. I counsel you to ask of Me gold tried in the fire that you would be cleansed of your wicked and sinful ways, and that you can present yourself to Me as a vessel pure and holy before Me. Shut out all hindrances that would draw you away from Me. Be instant in season and out of season, whether it is conducive and convenient to you or not! Do not deprive yourself of the wisdom I desire to bring to you.

Remember that this present life is but a breath compared to all eternity. What will you present to Me on that day that you stand before Me to give an account of thy life, whether it has been pleasing to Me or not? Who will you choose to serve? Your flesh or Me? The kingdom of darkness, or My eternal blessed Kingdom? Choose today who you will serve!

You are playing games with your eternal salvation if you do not take note of the present condition of your life. Is all that you do pleasing to Me? Have you divulged yourself in non-necessities in order to please your flesh, or that of another in order to gain the approval of another? Do your motives please Me, or have you indeed walked selfishly? Forsake all, even thyself and follow Me. Yes, now follow Me into paths of right living that you would ultimately please Me in all your ways.

What will be your end? What excuse will you give Me on that final day of why you chose to please and serve flesh over Me? Consider your ways whether they be pleasing unto Me, knowing that what a man sows that shall he reap. What shall be the fruit of your doing? Will they be acceptable unto Me? Hasten to repair thy sinful and selfish ways that seek pleasure to oneself. Did My Son act accordingly to His flesh? Did He not take up His cross and pay the penalty of your sin!? Now you take up your own cross and die to flesh, yours and all others, and be the disciplined follower I have called you to be and no longer cater to your flesh. A vessel who is truly sold out to Me is the one that I can use mightily, for all of their thoughts are leaned toward Me. In abundance of joy and freedom shall such a one be who forsook all to follow Me and My Ways, saith the Lord thy God!

Prophecy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on March 10, 2025 for Sunday, March16, 2025.

The following is the prophesy with scriptures added by me for teaching purposes.

Consider Your Ways Whether They Be Pleasing Unto Me

Haggai 1

How shall a man’s ways please Me, the Lord your God? But by taking heed to My Words. (Psalm 119:9) I counsel you to ask of Me gold tried in the fire that you would be cleansed of your wicked and sinful ways, and that you can present yourself to Me as a vessel pure and holy before Me. (Revelation 3:15-22, Hebrews 12:14) Shut out all hindrances that would draw you away from Me. (Hebrews 12:1-2) Be instant in season and out of season, whether it is conducive and convenient to you or not! (2 Timothy 4:1-2) Do not deprive yourself of the wisdom I desire to bring to you. (James 4:3-4, 3:13-18)

Remember that this present life is but a breath compared to all eternity. (Psalm 39:5) What will you present to Me on that day that you stand before Me to give an account of thy life, whether it has been pleasing to Me or not? (2 Corinthians 5:10) Who will you choose to serve? Your flesh or Me? The kingdom of darkness, or My eternal blessed Kingdom? Choose today who you will serve! (Joshua 24:15)

You are playing games with your eternal salvation if you do not take note of the present condition of your life. (1 Corinthians 11:28-32) Is all that you do pleasing to Me? Have you divulged yourself in non-necessities in order to please your flesh, or that of another in order to gain the approval of another? (Luke 14:26-27) Do your motives please Me, or have you indeed walked selfishly? (Colossians 3:22-23) Forsake all, even thyself and follow Me. (Matthew 16:24-27) Yes, now follow Me into paths of right living (Psalm 23:1-3) that you would ultimately please Me in all your ways. (Proverbs 3:6-12)

What will be your end? What excuse will you give Me on that final day of why you chose to please and serve flesh over Me? (1 Samuel 15:22-24) Consider your ways whether they be pleasing unto Me, knowing that what a man sows that shall he reap. (Galatians 6:7-8) What shall be the fruit of your doing? Will they be acceptable unto Me? Hasten to repair thy sinful and selfish ways that seek pleasure to oneself. Did My Son act accordingly to His flesh? Did He not take up His cross and pay the penalty of your sin!? Now you take up your own cross and die to flesh, yours and all others, and be the disciplined follower I have called you to be and no longer cater to your flesh. (Luke 6:22-26) A vessel who is truly sold out to Me is the one that I can use mightily, for all of their thoughts are leaned toward Me. (Daniel 11:32) In abundance of joy and freedom shall such a one be who forsook all to follow Me and My Ways, (Psalm 16:8-11) saith the Lord thy God!

Prophecy received from The Spirit of God by Apostle Anna Drinkwine on March 10, 2025 for Sunday, March16, 2025.