Oh My children, time is so short for you to work for Me. Ye must be laborers in the fields of harvest. Take upon yourself My armor that ye may be ready to suppress the enemy at any point. Stay ready.
Yes, the enemy desires to divide and conquer, but ye must always be willing to take up your cross to follow Me. Stay in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Remain constant in Me for the battle is the Lord’s. Never allow the enemy to choke out your walk with Me. Rather stay so close to Me that ye can stand guard and defeat the enemy with My Word, for he knows he hath but a short time. Therefore walk in victory. Declare the victory in advance. Conquer in My name.
Arise and take your position in My kingdom. Walk worthy of the vocation I have called you into. Let no man steal your crown, but press into My plans and purposes for thy life, knowing you have but a short time. For he that endures to the end shall be saved.
Make it a practice to walk as a soldier in the army of the Lord Jesus Christ. Owe no man nothing. Conquer at every point knowing that I am ever true to My Word. You shall be rewarded for your faithfulness to Me, only be satisfied that you dwell in Me, your Heavenly Father. Walk one in Me for a great day cometh when the Spirit and the Bride say “Even so Lord Jesus come.”