Ephesians 5
My People, you must be about My Business. You must not be sidetracked by the terrors and issues of life. They will all pass away, but My Word remains forever. Fill yourselves with My Word, that you made may be steady in these unsteady times. Men’s hearts are failing them for fear of what is taking place on the earth. But My People remain faithful to Me regardless of their situations, for they know Me. My People know that I am true to My Word, and I fail not. Make sure that you do not fail yourself by taking stock in the world’s goods which shall all pass away, and one day be consumed with a great fire. (See 2nd Peter 3)
Turn your attention completely over to Me, and you will see, how you will be able to surmount all the struggles of life, because your faith will be in Me and not in what this temporary world has to offer. So soon all will come to an end. Therefore you must needs redeem the time, for soon I send My Son for you who love Me and who keep My Commandments. Many have altered My Word and changed what I have declared. The blood of those who perish as a result will be upon their hands, and they will be guilty before Me!
Let your yea be yea, and your nay be nay, and know that all men will give an account for every idle word that they speak. Be ever so faithful to Me knowing that he that endures to the end, ever staying true to Me in spite of all circumstances, the same shall be saved, says the Lord God, your Heavenly Father.
- Luke 21
- Daniel 11:32
- 2nd Peter 3
- Hebrews 11:13-16
- John 14:15+21
- 2nd Timothy 4 :1-5
- Ezekiel 33:1-20
- Matthew 12:22-37
- Matthew 24
- Mark 13
Beloved, stay indebted to God your Heavenly Father, for sending you His Son to pay the price to redeem you! Appreciate the finished work that Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, that you could be saved, delivered and changed. This is where you are not only forgiven when you truly repented, detesting and hating your former sinful lifestyle, and asking the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you… where you came to Him desperate for change and forgiveness!
He not only forgives you, but He changes your nature, where now you do not want to live the way that you used to… but now you want to live to Please Him in All your ways! You become holy even as He as Holy. (1st Peter 1:15-16 & Hebrews 12:14) Then you begin to see yourself in a new way. I remember years ago where God gave me this song. At first I thought it was blasphemy, appropriating those words to myself. The words of the song are “I am the righteousness of God I am. (3 times), I am that I am!” I knew I that I received this song from the Lord, and initially I did not understand it… until one day I saw the scripture later in that chapter, following “If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, All Things are become new!”.. And then later in that chapter the scripture tells us God has made Jesus Christ to be sin for us, Who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him, Jesus Christ! (See 2nd Corinthians 5:17+21)
So stop saying that you’re a sinner saved by grace, because sinners are not saved! And sinners do not go to Heaven! Because of your surrender unto God, you are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. And now declare that you are a Child of God! Declare I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Remember it is a free gift and we do not earn it. (Ephesians 2:8-9) You must also realize that once you are forgiven of your sins by the Lord Jesus Christ, God no longer sees your sin! (See Psalm 103:12 & Hebrews 8:12)
Now having that foundation, knowing who you are, because of Jesus Christ, you can press into the depths of the Will of God that He has for your life. Romans 8:1 tells us “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Your desire as a more mature Christian, is now to please God in all of your ways! And now you enjoy spending glorious time with Him in His Presence! Your desire is for God to use you. And now having this sweet oneness with Him, your service unto Him comes as a free flow of His Spirit, because you dwell, you live, you abide, you stay in tune with Him… always longingly conscious of His Presence. (See Psalm 91:1, John 14:21 & Psalm 42:1-2) The enemy will try to discourage you. Just do not believe his lies, knowing that God would never speak to you with such demeaning words. Sure, God will correct you but He will not cut you down! For Whom the Lord loves He chastens. (See Hebrews 12)
Another way that the enemy will try to throw you off is by smoke screens, in the form of problems or situations, to take your attention off from God, and away from what He is desiring you to be doing instead!! Do not give in to the tactics of the enemy! Never listen to his lies! The enemy hates mankind who has been made in the Image of God. (See Genesis 1:26-27) And the enemy does all that he can to blind mankind from the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that man cannot repent. (See 2nd Corinthians 4:3-4) And when we do not obey The Lord, nor speak in agreement with God’s Word, we would then give the enemy the legal right to steal, kill and destroy! (See John 10:10, Malachi 3:5-18 & Proverbs 18:21)
Beloved, you need to have a Prayer Life! Praying without ceasing is where you stay in continual communion, that is communication with your Heavenly Father throughout your day. Oh it is just so wonderful! Oh the peace you will have.. If an issue or a need arises… oh, you just go to the Lord about it, and turn it all over to Him… not worrying whatsoever, and the Peace of God will come upon your heart and your mind. (See Philippians 4:4-8 & 1st Thessalonians 5:15-24)
Here is a very special Vision I received from the Lord on February 8th, 1989, at our Wednesday morning prayer meeting, while caught up in the Spirit and in deep prayer …

Christ Jesus brought me into a carved out rock to protect me from the storm. Then we walked together over the waters, going right through the storm together. People were falling into the ocean! I cried! He said they had refused him, and He showed me others just did not see Him, they were so caught up with the world. In good times not heeding Him… and in bad times so overtaken by the problem! They ignored Christ Jesus… I thought He would take me to the other side. Instead, He took me up, escorted By Angels!
~ 1st John 3:1-3 ~