Help in The Time of Trouble

My people, stop your ears from the voices of the enemy. Be still and know that I am God, and there is nothing that is impossible with Me. You must learn to keep your eyes upon Me and be not distracted by the changing times. I am God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, and I am well able to do according to My Will and none can stop Me. I will do what I said I will do. Many times you falter because of what you see going on around you. You Read More …

Think Like Me

My people, do not allow the problems of life to throw you off. Cast all your cares upon Me for I truly care for you. I have not equipped you to carry these burdens of the world. Simply turn them over to Me and allow Me to carry the load of cares for you. There is nothing that is impossible with Me. Do you believe this? How can you receive if you will not believe? You must learn to take Me at My Word. I am not a man to lie. I do not make Read More …


My children, keep your eyes upon me, and do not waiver. Take Me at My Word for I will not fail you, for I am ever true to My Word. I am the same yesterday, today and forever more. Bask in My Love and remain secure in Me. So much “goings on”* around you, but you must not be distracted by these things My children, for they are just that… distractions. Limit your time to those extracurricular* things that you allow in your life, that your time would be tempered* by Me. I watch over Read More …


Keep your eyes on Me My children, and don’t look back. Stay focus upon Me that I can bring you into deeper waters with Me. I shall bring you to deep places in Me you have not known. Remember this life is just temporary. There is so much I want you to experience in Me. Strive every day to draw closer to Me that I may reveal Myself to thee. You must hunger and thirst after Me if you desire to be fulfilled. Be not satisfied with these temporary enjoyments of life, for they are Read More …

I Am The Resurrection and The Life, Believe in Me and Live

John 11 & 12 Stay so close to Me My children that I may dwell in thee, and thou in Me. Seek not the things of the world, rather seek Me. Joyously serve Me with gladness, for there is nothing that I would withhold from you as you walk uprightly before me. Let Me be the joy of your life, for thus shall you be satisfied. I in thee, and thou in Me, for you are complete in Me. The wayward soul shall perish. They who know Me not shall perish. Only those who walk Read More …