Joy Divine in True Fellowship with Me

Keep serving Me diligently My child, and refrain not from coming daily before Me. Let Me fill thee with the fragrance of My Love. It is a love that surpasses any love that you have ever experienced. It is Joy Divine in true fellowship with Me. Pattern your life after Me and walk in My Love. Change the pattern of your life to be more and more pleasing to Me, and you will lack for nothing. I will fulfill all your needs according to My Riches in Glory. Let Me foretell to thee the Grand Read More …

Great Peace have They that Love My Law and Nothing shall Offend Them

A time of sorrows comes upon the earth My children. Men have gone their own ways and surrendered to the enemy. They have forsaken My Ways, and turned every man to his own ways. They have forsaken the Law of The Lord. Therefore shall great calamity befall them, for as a man sows, so shall he reap. He has sown into evil ways, therefore shall he reap decay and ruin, but the righteous shall inherit the earth. Come ye strangers from afar, and taste and see that The Lord is good. He shall deliver you Read More …

Ye are Complete in Me

Put on My complete armor My children, that ye would fight that good fight of faith. Do not hesitate. Rather move forward in strong faith in Me and in the power of My Might. I am well able to bring you through to complete victory as ye yield yourselves completely unto Me. For I am the great I AM and nothing is impossible with Me. I will move and who can stop Me!? Shine for Me and allow Me to reveal myself in and through thee. I will make known My Ways through those who Read More …

Fret Not Thyself because of Evildoers for They shall soon be Cut Down like the Grass

My children, be wary of evil doers and give no place to them in their wicked deeds, for judgment shall fall upon them if they change not their ways and repent. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thy dwelling. Be ever true to Me that you would not give place to the enemy, and let him that stole steal no more. Yes, judgment will fall upon this nation for their failure to turn to me with all their hearts. Where are Read More …

In Good Times or Bad Times be Praising Me

Behold, I am the Source of your strength My children. Through Me you can conquer all. Look to Me in all your sorrows, and look to Me always for direction, for I will lead you in the path that you ought to go. Do not be overwhelmed by the trials of your life, for I am there with you, I will not abandon you, for I love you with an everlasting love. Look to Me for direction and I will cause you to know My ways. None other can lead you like I can, for Read More …

Love Not the World, Neither the Things of the World

No good thing will I withhold from them that walk uprightly. But ye must take your eyes, your focus, off from the things of the world, for these all shall perish. Which do you desire more? A deep relationship with Me, or what you can attain from this world? The world perishes and the things thereof, but he that does the will of The Lord shall endure forever. What shall it prosper a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul? Shall he come before Me on that last day, pleading for Read More …

A Time to Live, A Time to Die

My people perish for the lack of knowledge. Like people, like priest. So many like sheep have gone astray. They have gone into ways that please their flesh. Where are My watchmen? Where are those who will speak out for Me and give them warning? Have these too gone for hire? Will I not shake each one in order that they would come to their senses, for the hour is late. Where are My voices to warn the people? Is it not that they fear the rejection of man? They ought to fear rejection from Read More …

Come Apart With Me Often

My children, waste not your time on frivolous things that soon pass away. Ye ought to come apart with Me often that I could comfort and encourage you. Cast all of your cares, and all of your concerns upon Me, and allow Me to give you fresh hope and life expectancy for I am there with you. No longer fear. No longer dread. Rather look up and see that I am coming so soon for you. Therefore ye need to be found ready, and not be found consumed with the temporary cares of this world. Read More …

Sever Ties with Those that are Not of Me

Evil communications corrupt good manners My children. Ye must strive to please Me in all your ways. Wrong friendships are not worth suffering eternally for. Make up your mind to pay attention to what I say unto you. These are evil days you are living in. Man against man. Children against parents. None of these showing My Love, My Compassion. Who shall represent Me? Who can I depend upon to be a voice for Me? The hour is so late and many are perishing. There have lost their way. They have chosen the wrong path Read More …

Continue in My Word and Fail Me Not

My children, ye must keep your eyes upon Me, and do not allow the ways of man to sidetrack you. They have gone astray from My Ways and serve Me not. They are as a parched land without water having gone their own ways, for only I can satisfy. Journey with Me and be diligent in serving Me. So many have a form of godliness but they deny Me from moving in their lives, for their desires are to please themselves. They know Me not. Continue steadfast in My Love with a complete surrender to Read More …