In The Fullness of Time, You Shall Reap Your Reward

My children, do not get so caught up with the concerns of this present life that you lose track of your responsibility in My Kingdom. If ye be not careful, you will be sidetracked from being about My Business. Take one day at a time trusting Me in all that you do. Lay your burdens down before Me and leave them there. Then go forth doing My Will for I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Focus on Me and My Ways. Make Me a priority in thy life, and Read More …

Live to Please Me

My children always look to Me to take care of you. Keep your focus upon Me and My Ways as My desire for thy lives. I will not fail you. All others will fail you for they are limited but I am not. You will even fail yourself unless you strive to please Me in all your ways. For as you turn to Me in all your ways, not only will I direct your paths, but I will keep you and deliver you from the snares of the enemy. It is not My Will for Read More …


“Where will we go?” ye say. “To whom shall we hear the Word of the Lord?” Come to Me My children, for unto anyone who would be My spokesman, these ought to first of all have a deep relationship with Me. You will hear both My Love and My Admonition coming from them because these care for your eternal welfare. Many only look at things in the present day and have no prognosis of the future days. Today is mainly what their concern is, especially for their personal needs. Seek ye FIRST MY KINGDOM, MY Read More …

Be Ye Therefore Ready for Ye Know Not the Day nor the Hour

Withhold not from Me when it is in your power to do good My children. Hold not back. Rather press in to fulfill My Will in thy lives. Break off every stronghold that would hold you bound that ye would be able to walk in My Fullness. It is a Day of New Beginnings if ye would fight the Good Fight of Faith.  Therefore, press in and accomplish My Plans and Purposes for thy lives. Shake off every weight that would hold you back. It is not My Will for you to be overburdened, but Read More …

Make Your Paths Straight

Come closer to Me My children, for I have a Word for you. You have been taken up with the cares of the world. Separate yourself that ye may hear Me. Lay everything down and come before Me. Will I not prepare My people? Will I not tell them to make a detour when danger faces them? Have you allowed earthly things to trouble you, for these things are so temporary? Wage a war against darkness and render defeat to the enemy, for he is already a defeated foe. Let not the things of the Read More …

In the Time of Trouble I Am There

Feast upon Me My children, for the table is spread. Receive of My Word from My Well that never shall run dry. Speak often to Me that I may reveal Myself and My Ways to you. I will make known My Plans to thee if you would adhere to My Word. Make known My Ways to the peoples. Hold back not, but be the voice I have called you to be… instant in season and out of season. I will not withhold from thee in any way if you would simply surrender yourself unto Me. Read More …

It is Better to Give than to Receive

My children look unto Me in all your ways. I will never disappoint you for My Hand is upon you to keep you. Keep your focus on Me and not upon the disturbances of life. Hand all of your cares upon Me. Let Me take care of the details. Trust Me in this, for I will lead you by My Spirit into the proper direction. Let Me work things out in your life. Remove the hindrances in your life so that you can make a complete focus upon Me, that I may direct thee. My Read More …

There Is None Like Unto Me

There is none beside Me saith The Lord. There is none who compares to Me. I am holy and there is none else like unto Me. Therefore worship Me in the Beauty of Holiness, in a spirit of purity and humility, knowing Who I am. I am The Lord thy God Who taketh away the sins of the world. Honor Me. Obey Me, and bring glory due unto like My Name. None other can handle this glory. That is why I say unto thee to follow peace with all and walk in holiness without which Read More …

Sever All Ties that are Not of Me

My children, you must keep yourselves ever so pure before Me. Never doubt Me, but always take Me at My Word. I am not a man to lie or deceive you. My Word is true and forever settled in Heaven. Your eyes must remain fixed upon Me. I will keep you until the end. Remain ever so content in My Care. Sever all ties that are not of Me, for the enemy of your souls desires to sift you as wheat in this end time hour, hoping that none are left standing. Your hope must Read More …

Keep Me So Close to You

My beloved children, ye ought always to keep you focus upon Me. Do not be derailed by life’s events. Simply keep your focus on Me. I will lead you in the way you ought to go. Do not be troubled by the troubling events of time for they shall all soon pass away, and you shall always be with Me. Submit daily to Me and let Me announce in thy spirit the glorious plans I have for thy life. They are plans to bless you and not bring you harm. And as you turn your Read More …