Wait Upon Me Says The Lord

Isaiah 40:10-31 Oh My people, be not preoccupied with all the distractions of this present life. You must, especially in these difficult times, keep your focus and your eyes upon Me. All else will fail you, but I am ever true to My Promises. Take Me at My Word and walk in the fullness I have provided for you. It is not the lack of material things you should consider. Rather it is a surrendered and deep relationship with Me you ought to focus on. You know that this world and all that is in Read More …

Turn to Me With All Your Hearts

Oh My people, call upon Me for I am near. A broken and a contrite heart I will respond to. I am ever near thee. I am closer to you than your very breath. Behold, I have created thee, and I have breathed into thee the breath. Be not far from Me, for I am not far from thee. Know that I am there. Why do you wait to call upon Me? Do you not know that it is My pleasure to give you My Kingdom? Yes, even the rule and the reign that Adam Read More …

No Good Thing Will I Withhold From Them That Walk Uprightly

Psalm 84 Oh My children, you ask but you receive not, because you ask amiss to consume upon your own lusts, your own desires. Desire that which above and not that which is beneath. This world and all that is in it is temporary. Why waste your time on that which does not last? Seek to please Me in all thy ways for it is only I who could fulfill thee. Close your eyes to the things of this earth, and place your eyes upon Me and eternal things. Forsake not communing with Me daily Read More …

Where Are My Intercessors

(Ezekiel 22:30-31) Where are My intercessors saith the Lord? Behold, I have done so much for thee. Can you not do this one thing for Me, and be the intercessors I have called you to be? Will you not stand in the gap and make up the hedge that I would not destroy the land? Where are My intercessors? Are they too busy doing their own thing? Know ye not that ye are not your own, for you have been bought with the price of My Son’s Blood? Therefore glorify Me with your bodies. Glorify Read More …

In The Time of Trouble I Am There

Psalm 46 Oh My people, be not moved by these troubled times around you. Walk by faith and not by sight. Do you think it is too hard for Me to move by My Spirit in these trying times. Behold, I am well able to do exceedingly abundantly far above what you would dare ask, but it is according to My Spirit that works in you. Allow Me to do a greater work in you and through you. Yea, though these are troubled times, yet I am with you. My children, I will never leave Read More …

Thirst After Me

Come and hear what I have to say. My people hunger and thirst after Me, and allow Me to fill you with My goodness, My mercy, My love, My compassion and all that entails goodness and beauty. You must realize there is none like Me. None who can satisfy like Me. None who can bless like Me. So why do you waste your time on other things that will not matter in eternity? There is a New Sound coming from Heaven. It is the voices of angelic worship. Join in this Glorious Sound and let Read More …

Lovest Thou Me More Than These

John 21 So many say that they love Me, but they do not do that which I command them. Their hearts are elsewhere, and they have lost their first love. Oh that they would come to their senses and return to Me with all their hearts, for there is none that can save like unto Me. You must shut the doors to all intrusions. Not everything that happens is of Me. You must learn to discern that which is of Me and that which is of the enemy, for the enemy is a deceiver and Read More …

I Will Cleanse You From All Unrighteousness

1 John 1 Oh My people, why do you halt between two ways? Compromise shall not be in My house. Discern the Ways of The Lord, and discern the ways of darkness. Come out from among them and touch not the unclean things. Arise to righteousness and day shall dawn upon you. Always have your eyes fixed upon Me, and I will lead you through the valleys of darkness. You are never alone, but I am always by your side. Take note of that, and no longer speak of loneliness. Rather commune with Me. I Read More …

Keep a Guard Over Your Mouth

Psalm 141 Oh My people, shun all appearance of evil, and show forth My praises to all the peoples. There is nothing that I am unable to do as you press in to do My bidding. Make it a practice to acknowledge Me in all your ways, so that you will not become sidetracked. There is so much work left to do for My Kingdom’s sake. Arrest all evil in your life and allow no compromise. Shut the door to all works of darkness and behold the Beauty of The Lord. Compromise has set in Read More …

Nothing Will Hinder This Move of My Holy Spirit

Isaiah 43:1-21 & Joel 2:23-32 Behold, I am the Lord your God, and I have plans that ye know not of. Do you think the enemy shall prevail over Me? Do you think that I am unable to thwart the efforts of the enemy? Behold, I am the Lord your God, and is there anything too hard for Me? I cause the dead to rise and the blind to see. Let me bring life into thee. Watch the enemy who thinks that they shall prevail, fall before Me. I am the Lord your God and Read More …