REDEEM THE TIME, For Soon I Send My Son For You Who Love Me And Who Keep My Commandments

Ephesians 5 My People, you must be about My Business. You must not be sidetracked by the terrors and issues of life. They will all pass away, but My Word remains forever. Fill yourselves with My Word, that you made may be steady in these unsteady times. Men’s hearts are failing them for fear of what is taking place on the earth. But My People remain faithful to Me regardless of their situations, for they know Me. My People know that I am true to My Word, and I fail not. Make sure that you Read More …

As For Me And My House We Will Serve The LORD

Oh My people, you must settle it in your hearts that you will join with Me, and fight the good fight of faith, for without Me you can do nothing, but with Me all things are possible. Do not give up! Do not give in! Your Surrender must be to Me and not to the thwarts of the enemy. Do not bow to his demands with his self-made ordinances which are against My Will! He did that with Eve in the garden of Eden. Do not let him play with your minds.  Rather consume your Read More …

You Will Fear No Evil For I Am With You

Oh My Love, My Darling, you have been bought with a price and you are Mine. Fear no evil, for I am ever with you. My Rod and My Staff, they comfort you. Stay ever close to My side, and in Me abide. Surely no evil can separate you from My Love, for My Love is Everlasting. Know Me. Desire Me. Abide in Me and I in thee, and you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto thee. Simply walk by faith and not by sight, knowing that the battle is Read More …

Kept In The Shadow of My Wings

You are Mine My Child. Let not fear overwhelm you. Keep your eyes upon Me. Do not look at your circumstances for they shall change. You must keep your focus upon Me for I will keep you. I will deliver You From The Snare of the Fowler. Darkness shall not overwhelm you as you keep your trust in Me. A 1,000 shall fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come nigh your dwelling. I keep My Children. I deliver them from danger. They are kept in the Shadow Read More …

In My Name You Shall Cast Out Devils

“Mark 16:9-20” My children do not hesitate to push back the forces of Darkness. (Psalm 44:5) You are living in a spiritual world. (Ephesians 6:10-12 ) In My Name you shall cast out devils and do many miracles. (Mark 16:9-20 ) The wicked flee when no one pursues them, but the righteous are bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1) In My Name you shall tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. (Luke 10:19) And did not My Son say, and nothing shall by any means hurt you? So take Read More …

All of My Promises are Yes and Amen

My Beloved, ye need not walk in fear. (2 Timothy 1:7) Rather walk by faith taking Me at My Word, (Hebrews 10:37-39) for all of My Promises are yes and amen. ( 2nd Corinthians 1:20 ) It is not for you to walk in worry or fear. ( Philippians 4:4-8 ) Rather cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you.( 1 Peter 5:6-10 ) Yea, I even know the number of hairs on your head.( Luke 12:4-12 )  So take Me at My Word, and yes, even declare My Blessings, My Promises Read More …

Fervently In Prayer

“Oh My children, I desire for you to walk in all My Ways that I may be free to bless thee. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)  Beware, for there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end of those ways is death. (Proverbs 14:12)  Choose to abide in Me, by staying true to Me and true to My Word. (John 14:21)  Be beholden unto Me, for all the blessing I have for thee. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)  Hold not back. (2 Timothy 1:12-14)  Rather praise Me in all your ways. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) So many Read More …

Keep Your Eyes Upon Me

My precious children, I will not fail thee. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5) Simply keep your eyes upon Me and upon My Promises, (Hebrews 12:1-2) for all of My Promises are yes and amen. (2 Corinthians 1:20) Yes, you may suffer many things, for many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I deliver them from them all. (Psalm 34:19) Focus on Me and ye shall not fail, for I have made you to be overcomers. (Romans 8:18-39) Yes, as time quickly passes by, much remains to be done. (John Read More …

I Will Never Leave You, Nor Forsake You

My children, for so long you have struggled to succeed in life. Success in My Eyes, and success in the world’s eyes are two different things. (Joshua 1:1-9) Simply desire to please Me in all your ways, and I will direct your paths. The easy way is to follow Me, for My Way is the Way of Peace. (Colossians 3:15) All other ways lead to destruction. (Romans 6) Therefore trust in Me with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, and I will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3)   Focus on things Read More …

In The Time of Trouble, I Am There

Oh My children, be not discouraged by the changing of times, for I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5-8) Simply learn to keep your eyes upon Me, for I am greater than any problem, (Jeremiah 32:27) and I can meet every need according to My riches in glory, by My Son Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:14-19) You must learn to keep your focus upon me and upon My Promises. (Psalm 46:5 & 2 Chronicles 20:12-23)   Yes, troubling times will come, but I will direct your paths. (Psalm 16:8-11)  I will lead you in Read More …